DIY: Sockbun/Poophead

Hey pretties! Just wanted to share my findings of creating my perfect sock bun. I had a thick clothed headband and I wanted to try a sock bun so I used the thick cloth headband and wrapped it three times. So it mimics a shape of a bun so their is no need to purchase one or using a sock rolled up is also great. My hair is very fine, so I do not have thick hair so the headband was good for enough.

So here are the steps:
1. Tie hair in a ponytail
2. Take the clothed headband that was wrapped three times or the rolled up sock and put it through the ponytail
3. I rolled it from the tip end of the pony tail rolling it towards my big head, make sure to make it tight as you can because once the bun is completed it becomes loosened. This happens to make my bun full and makes my bun looks like I have thick hair when I don't LOL :) 

I hope this helped...let me know how it turned out. I also don't really like putting hairspray or any hair gels because I do not like crunchy hair at all, I leave it like that all day, of course there are touch ups throughout the day since I don't put hair products in my hair. 



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