DIY: Glamerize your flats

This is my first DIY blog post, but I had to share about this awesome discovery I did. So, I had two black flats and I thought of designing the extra pair. It was plan and boring and wanted to glamerize it up a bit. I have been loving the gold top flats design so I thought of doing it by painting it with nail polish instead of buying them because I am broke. 

The results came out amazing. I was also amazed of how pretty it looks and I been wearing it often and received a lot of compliments.

If you like to know how I did it keep on reading. I will show you how I did it step by step. Of course other colors can be used. I did a little extra and added a silver lining next to the gold, shown in the picture. 

Materials Needed:
-clear scotch tape
-old newspaper
-nail polish color of your choice
-Plastic clear sheet (1 page clear covers)

I used the OPI silver nail polish and OPI by nicole in gold.

1.Spread news paper on the table to protect the surface you are working on.

2. I taped the edge of the flat, top opening of the flat and the other side to make a thin line for the silver. Also tape the edge of the bottom of the flat, so paint will not be on the sole. Let it completely dry. After it is dry peel the tape that is toward the tip of the shoe.  

This is optional if you don't want the extra design.

3. Tape the plastic clear sheet to cover the silver, make sure it is aligned with the silver line. 
4. Begin the painting process with the nail polish of your choice. Do one layer first and than after the first layers dry add the second coat. I only needed two coats but depending on the pigmentation of nail polish used it may differ. 
5. Let it completely dry. I left it over night to let it dry completely dry.
6. Peel the tape slowly off the flats.
7. BAMMMM!!!!! WAHH LA!!!! Beautiful gold toe shoes with the unique style you design. One of a kind! 

Good Luck!

I would love to see how they came out, so hit me up! ;)



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