The face shop was having a sale on their smile foot peeling. I decided to give it a try since my feet were super dry and scaly. It was around 9,000 Won ($8 USD) for a pair of the peel.
In the package, their is the foot socks, solution, and foot cream. The directions are pretty simple. Step 1: Put on the foot socks. Step 2: Add the solution carefully into the socks. Step 3: Wait for 45 minutes. Step 4: Rinse and put on the foot cream.
 Here is the close up of the foot socks, carefully tear apart the foot socks.
This is how it looks on my feet. My feet are huge so don't mind them. The next photo maybe gross so approach with caution.
 After the peel, there is no visible peeling until the next day or so. This is the second day of the peel. I know it's gross but it dry skin flaking off, so get over it! This will be happening to your feet too. I just happen to be brave enough to show you the amazing results.
After a couple of days, my feet finally finished peeling and it was better than before. It is definitely softer and smoother than before. It's just like a chemical peel for you feet instead of your face. This is going to be great during the summer time with sandals being wore all the time. My feet tends to get rough and dry. I will definitely be purchasing this again, especially when summer hits full swing.

Share your thoughts and experiences, I would love to read about them.. (:



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