DIY: Lazy Susan Shoerack Organizer

I felt like being sort of a handyman and I saw a really cute shoe organizer on pinterest. I wanted to make a replica of the shoerack. I have successfully made the shoerack but I should have made the slots a bit larger since my shoes are a bit larger than normal. I am a size 13 in women's. Ya so I am a bit out of the norm. I would suggest measuring out your shoes before making the cut. My shoes stick out of the slots but it is okay. I am still proud of my creation. I did this project on my own but I would suggest to have a buddy to help. It will be quicker. It took me two whole days to finish this project. The paint job was another day also. So being patient is a key for this project. It took a long time to find how to make this project but I found it. I used this youtube channel better homes and followed the exact directions.

Also this does not have to be a shoerack it can be used for other storage, so it is very versatile.

Good Luck! :)

Completed Project



  1. Could you tell me where you got the "turntable swivels" from?

    The ones in the video appear to be just big nylon washers but all I can find is heavy duty metal things that cost over £50.


    1. You can get them at Home Depot. It is $4 dollars and is very durable. :) Good Luck!



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